Tuesday, October 8, 2013

When will Eypt, Israel, US and EU start to do something about Sinai

I look at all the so called humaniterian organazations, USA, UK and the EU counties talking about helping 3rd world countries. When they actually help them selfs. Unless there is something they can benefit from some thing they can only seat back and watch like syria.

Look what happen the last couple of day with imigrant from africa last week's shipwreck. Cost guard said they respond immidiatly for the imergency call but the survivers said other wise.

If EU membeers wants to decrease the number of imigrant they sould stop interfiring in countries internal busness let the oppostion handel their own thing in their own way.

If they really want to help others people  and countries I sugest they start by helping peaple in Egypt Sinai death camp. There are hundreds of people captured by human trafficers. The human trafficing in Sinai is one of the most un reported unhumanterian crises in the world.Western and Eu members can put a pressure on the Egypt and Israeli government so they can do something to put an end to the Sinai torture camp. Hundreds of people who cant afford to pay the ransom money er harvested their organs and be killed. Some of the methods they use to torture the people is beyond the human minds being hung upside down for hours is nothing compared to what they go through.
The New York Times estimates 7000 people have bean abused in this way over the las four years. And that 4000 of them may have died.

My quation is when will they start to do something to put an end to all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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