Thursday, September 19, 2013

  1. August 19, 2013 @ 10:25 am
  2. Yoo dhuguman jarri ati jettu kun namoota akkasiti ta`e raggaa qabataman saxilbaasi.
    yokkan shakkiin nama hin guutiin.
  3. I am an Oromo said,

    August 19, 2013 @ 11:53 pm
    Nageenyi haadursu, akkam jirtu warri sochii tana/kana keessatti hirmaattani hundi,
    First of all, I would like to express my proud of you b/c I understand that your agenda is only motivating Oromo nationals to create conscience on Oromummaa and your slogan or motto is “We are Oromos” which embrace all regardless of political, religious, professional, age, gender, and regional differences of the Oromo nationals. So, I belief,
    this golden idea of tour/movement will develop an awareness and more unite Oromos, promote Oromummaa.
    Also, I hope this movement would not stop after some times, but would become an education and information center that would educate common history, culture, tradition, language of the Oromo people which will bring all Oromos together regardless the above listed differences. In short, it has to create information or media center by coordinating the existing diaspora Oromo radios and TVs and developing/promoting to the powerful radios and TV/s to reach out all the Oromia territories and all over the world; which also would help the development of the Oromo arts, music, and literature.
    On the other hand, I urge all Oromo nationals to support this movement morally, professionally, financially, and in any ways possible.
    I wish you successes!
  4. Jimma said,

    August 26, 2013 @ 2:48 am
    Namooti “tour” geggesina jiran kuni waan qabatamaa biyya kessatti hojjatame of harkaa hinqaban “presentation” malee. Abalu ajjefameera qerroo bilisummaan jedhu sobaa jechu jalqabani. Yoo “presentation”dhaan ta’e eega kan Dr Gamachu dubbatu qofaan diina dachaasa. Isayyu angoo itti kenani irraa darbatani. Gariin isa kan walgahi
    taa’u hojiidhuma humna dugda nama kuttu kana jibbeeti achi ta’a malee
    waanuma qabatama akka of harkaa hinqabne ni beeka. “Short term tour effect”
    malinni jennu namoota bolola angoo hinqabne waan danda’anin waliin hojjachuuf
    adeeman wal harkatti qabuudha gosaan itti galani.
    Namni ykn humna amba jiru gahee isaas hin beeku ykn hin dagata. Namni biyya faranjii jiru “supportive role” taphata waan biyyatti hojjatamuuf. Yero heddu dubbaneera. Namootumti “tour” gaggessa jiran kuni Jawaar dabalatee kaleessa dubachaa turani. Har’a maal hojjachaa jiru?. Akka hogganu fedhuti moo akka “supportive role” taphachuuti?. Waanta kaleessa dubbanne sana irra deebine dubachu dadhabuudha. Dadhabini ABO kan dadhabe tokko hogganni biyya kessa bahee ollaa jiraachu jalqabe kan jedhu dubatamaa ture. Hogganni waraana kessa baanan akka qurxummi bishaan kessa baheeti hin jenne?. Yerootu nuttii agarsiisa hogganna biyyatti deebisuuf hin debisne. Yoo Jawaar ta’e amma dhuguma hadha manaa gatee daggala oromiyaa nama dhaqu?.
    Anaaf gahee humna biyya ambaa jiru dagachuudha. Akkana gochuun maal fide?. Wal dorgommi gosaa dabre isuma walii galee waanuma taate hojjatu + isa walitti adeemu barbaadu (gosummaan yaadu gatee) akkatti takkaalamu hojjatame (knowingly or unknowingly). Waan kaleessa dubachaa baanes irra deebinee ilaalu. Har’a kan hojjannu waliin wal bukke qabu.
    Qeroo bilisummaa hinjiru jechu jalqabani. Ragaan itti agarsiisnu hinjiru kan jedhan Laggasaa Wagii booda. Kuni jira moo hinjirudha?.
    Akkuma habshaan Oromoon “majority” miti jette dubattu inni tokko “” irratti falmaa jira. Akkasuma ta’e hinjira hinjiru qeroo bilisummaa. Qeroo bilisumma jira hinjiru eega ademsan irra caala bekkamaa dhufa. Adeemsan waraanna biyyolessas akka ta’us yerootu agarsiisa.
  5. rab12 said,

    August 27, 2013 @ 12:49 pm
    jimma please . Osoo olola yaroon itti darbe kana dhiiftee baabura amma dargaggoonni oromoo hawaasa oromoo jaaruuf kaasan kana deeggartee irra caala. Dhaabni ati himtuus nama shani .dhaabonni oromoo cufti deeggarsa hawaasaa dhabeeti jira kanaafuu hawaasni jaaramuun maaf sirakka. Dhaabni tokkolleen hawaasa dura dhaabbannaan eenyuuf dhaabbate. Hawaasa bilisoomsuufi moo?
  6. Jimma said,

    August 28, 2013 @ 8:05 pm
    Kanaan dura Radiyoo Simbirtuu natti fakkaata gaffif deebi irratti Kamaalfaa
    rakkoon isaani ykn kan hin jabaanne waan Itophiyaa jedhanifii miti waan
    waraana hinqabneefi. Waraanna qabaachuf biyyatti deebi’u qabu jedhe Jawaar
    dubbate. Hogganu feetu kanatu si fuldura jira jechuuf. Haala qabatamaa har’a
    argaaa jiruf biyya deemani ummata ijaaru kan jedhu kunni dhugaa irraa waan
    fagaatedha. Baqataan waan hojjachu qabu, waan biyya kessatti hojjatamuf “logistics” dhihessufi waantoota isa utubu danda’an “including external factors which can enhance struggle” irratti hojjachuudha. Hundi keenya dubachaa turre Jawaar dabalate. Gahee keenya seeran “define” hin goone. Humna keenyas seeran beeku. Maal akka hojjachu dandeenyu-maaltu humna kiyya ol jenne of yaa gaafannu. Yaada “supportive role” jedhuti “feasible”dha. Irra caalas ummata ykn gosaaf gosa wal dorgommi kessaa baasas.
    Kan biro waaye waranna hinqabna hinqabnu kan jedhudha du’a Laggasaa booda. Akka qabnus hinuma beeku. Haala ulfaata ta’e kessatti asin gahuun salphaa miti. Kanaaf, namoota asin gahan hawaasa gara kuteenyan waan nyaatan busidhaan hamileen bukke dhaabate dabalate “acknowledge” gochu qabna. Akkamitti irra caala jabeesina akamitti “replicate/expand” goona nutis gahee keenya “’contribute” gochu qabna yaadu wayya malee kan qabnu jibbun Oromoof miti. Osoo hin beekin dinaaf tajaajilu ta’a.
    Waaye oromo jedhani mana bahaniiru. Eega hundi rabbi harka jira. Bara baraan TPLF nama ajjeftuf “press + demonstration” dhaan waan ta’u miti. Waan qabatamaa ta’e tokko kan gumaa baasu hojjatamu qaba. “Meeting after meeting or tour after tour” waan nu baasu miti. Ummatni kan dhagahu fedhus waanta habashaan nu gochaa jirtu ykn nu gochaa turte tara tara ka’a natti himaa miti-waaan qabatamaa ta’e waan hojjatame kan gumaa baasu malee. Yaadi koos olola miti irra debi’i ilaali.
    Irra deebi’e kanan jedhu waan qabnu irra caala jabbessuf adeemtu akka dhunfaattis ta’e ummataaf bu’aa fida. Rabbi yaa jabeessu yaa babala’atan.
    Itti yaada. Akkaataa yaada jirru jijjiramu qaba. “Atomosphere” qabsoo jijjiruf qooda fudhadha. Akkatti ummatni gamtaan waliin yaa’u hojjadha.
  7. Galana said,

    September 2, 2013 @ 1:59 am
    It is and was Oromoo first and that is what OLF was promoting all this years.I don’t understand why out of the blue it become a new slogan and needed agitation?As one mentioned it in spite of our different approaches regarding the struggle for Oromoos Rights,we are all proud of what we are.We are not amateurish but experienced in our own ways.Specially the Dr.and Jawar I thought both of you are more sphisticated than this.
  8. Hawwinee Barii said,

    September 12, 2013 @ 10:51 am
    What you are now saying was said many years ago by the establishment of Maccaa and Tulamaa Self Help Association and OLF. Are you waking up now from your dead sleep? We are tired of talking and go to the forest and mountain of Oromia to fight the enemy that is armed to the teeth to destroy Oromummaa. You are young and gadaa principle requires you not to talk politics but to fight, defend and defeat the enemy of Oromummaa. From today, I do not what to see Juwaar and Ademo on computer and internet but in the forest and mountain of Oromia with machine guns.
  9. Abichu said,

    September 13, 2013 @ 4:56 pm
    I personally appreciate what Jawar is doing, he is igniting all the oromos without the generation gap. Societal mobilization and awareness is the key to bring all together to fight the common enemy. In the absence of clean awareness & coalition it is hard to attain the intended goal as it had been for the past several years. As to me, Jawar & his colleagues are trying to light up our problems. Leadership is a key in struggle for freedom. To my understanding, he is working to bring the division to an end. Better to understand that the division among Oromos is the big hindrance to the realization of long hoped freedom. The oromos standing against each other. Clearing this cloud has to be the first job. That is what the qubee generation is doing. No region, or religion but oromumaa. We need courageous leaders as we need fighters. Strong leadership helps the fighters do right job. Leadership is key to succeed.
  10. walmalee said,

    September 15, 2013 @ 12:28 am
    Duraan dursee dargaggoota oromoo kan midia walaba nubrbaachisa jedhanii sosso’aajiranin baayyee galatoomaan jedhaan
    Itti aansee ani qaamaafi qalbiininn isin deeggara waan naadandayame hundaan isin biran dhaabbadha jabaadha warri kana mormu warra dukkana gabrummaa keessa nutursiisuu barbaadu,diinota kaleeti fii har’aati oromoo sammuu qabu kan qalbiin fayyaa qadu yaada kana hin mormitu,yoo abba irree ta’anii oromoo bituuf hawwan ani hin beeku ,garuu sab_qunmtii walabaa kan rakkoo fi fumaata oromoo barsiisi diina keenya saaxilu dabaa keenya fuula ummataa dutti dhiheessee rakkoo isaa akka ibsatu godhu loogii tokko malee dhaaba hundaaf walqixa ija bitaa fi mirgaattin kan ilaalubarbaanna inni sun kan dargaggoota oromoo Obboo joohar,Mahammad Adamoo faadha oromoo haa bira dhaabbannu walshakkuun diinaaf karaa banuu haadhiifnuu
    galatooma oromiyaa ni bilisoomti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Abichu said,

    September 15, 2013 @ 8:00 pm
    I heard Dr. Nuru Dedefo Working hard with hardliners for the realization of tr ue federalism in which individual rights are respected. So this indicates that they are abandoning the group rights such as language, culture and the right to use their natural resources and self governance. I also heard him saying individuals can own properties any where in the country. Property ownership in its crude sense may not matter, the problem comes when one community has to be relocated where it doesn’t belong. I don’t think Dr. Nuru’s group has seen this issue thoroughly. After all they are not on the side of their people, had they been with their people, they would have been working with their own people first and collaborate with others later.
  12. said,

    September 19, 2013 @ 9:49 am
    Jabaadha! Tokkoo taane, Oromiyaa haa bilisomsinu!!!
  13. said,

    September 19, 2013 @ 9:50 am

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