Monday, September 16, 2013

“They just sentence you to whatever they want.” - Obbo Bulcha Demeksa

  UPDATE: Aug. 24, 2013 - Eng. Tasfaahuun Camadaa Murdered in Qaallittii Prison
“The sacrifice, up to his life, that Eng. Tasfahuun had paid for the sake of his people's freedom has engraved the symbol of heroism in our hearts, and he will be remembered forever among the Oromo people.”
- Oromo Community of Las Vegas

Worldwide Peaceful Rallies Against Death and Long-Term Sentences Passed on Oromos by Zenawi's Dictatorial Regime

OSA President's, Dr. Haile Hirpa's, speech at the U.S. State Dept. during the May 21 historic rally in DC:
Videos from Washington-DC & St. Paul-MN - for more pictures, videos & updates, click here.

Gadaa.comOSA Appeals to President Obama about Repression of Oromos by the Zenawi Regime
Gadaa.comStatement from the Australian Oromo Community: Zenawi - The Most Repressive Dictator in Africa
Gadaa.comUpdates from Melbourne, Vic, Australia - for more pictures, videos & updates, click here.

“The Oromo people are counting on you, and you have to be their voice. Please do not say, 'it does not matter if I go to the demonstration or not, because I am one person.' Sure, you are one person, but one person to count on.” - Dr. Haile Hirpa

The Rally Announcements:
- Washington DC   |    Melbourne, Vic, Australia   |    St. Paul, Minnesota

In the News: 3,000 Expected for DC Oromo Rally (

Videos from Oslo, Norway:

Note: This is a new petition. Sign the petition to expose the political persecution of Oromos by the Ethiopian government: The Verdict Is In - Kill All Oromos!


IOWO Writes a Letter to Sec. Clinton about Oromo Women Political Prisoners
Gadaa.comI am writing this 2nd letter on behalf of the International Oromo Women's Organization (IOWO), a Non-Profit Organization, established to promote gender equality and be the voice for the voiceless Oromo women in East Africa, mainly in Ethiopia. We kindly request your urgent interference to save their lives. Read More » » »


Two Shun Trumped-Up Trials
By Jalene Gemeda | VOA News
Two of the 15 Oromo Ethiopians sentenced on charges that they allegedly committed killings and robberies to support rebel Oromo Liberation Front forces have left Ethiopia and claimed they are innocent of all charges. Listen to the three-part report below.


Petition: The Voice of Justice and Freedom for the Oromo People
The Verdict Is In ... Kill All Oromos!
We, the undersigned, are writing this letter to bring to your attention the unlawful, unjust, and brutal sentences handed down by the so called Ethiopian Federal Court on innocent Oromos on the 31st of March 2010. Read More » » »


Some quotes from Facebook:
"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable." - Moliere"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Oromo Sentenced to Death in Ethiopia
By Qeerransoo Biyyaa
Gadaa.comThe profiles of the convicted Oromo prisoners included engineers, businesspersons, mothers, lawyers, students and farmers. Some comment these Oromos represented the creams of the Oromo society in all walks of life.
Read More » » »


Ethiopia opposition leader flees 12-year jail term (Reuters)
Gadaa.comParty colleagues said Bekele Jirata, secretary general of OFDM, who left while free on bail, was targeted as part of a pre-election crackdown on the country's biggest ethnic group.
"There is no doubt the government clamps down heavy on educated Oromos," Bulcha said. Read More » » »


Innocence Is Not a Defense for Oromo Political Prisoners in TPLF's Ethiopia
By Tigabu Yilma
Gadaa.comQuite instinctively, I went on to read the names of the people sentenced by TPLF on March 31, 2010. Barely halfway through the list, I was shocked at what I was reading. One of my classmates was among those in the list - Wabe Haji! Read More » » »
Ethiopia's Kangaroo Court Sentences Oromo Political Prisoners to Death and Long Years in Prison Among Those Targeted: Top (L to R) - Mr. Mesfin A. Abdissa, Mr. Tesfahun Chemeda. Bottom (L to R) - Mrs. Aberash Yadeta, Mrs. Lelisa Wodajo, Mr. Wabe Haji, Mr. Kebede Borena, and Mr. Bekele Jirata
Read More » » »


More Death Penalties by TPLF Kangaroo Court on Oromo Civilians
Gadaa.comJune 8, 2010 - The following is a press release from the Oromo Human Rights and Relief Organization (Oromo Menschenrechts- und Hilfsorganisation – OMRHO e.V.)
In a less than two months of time, the Ethiopian court has handed down a death penalty and a life-long imprisonment on Oromo civilians for the second time.
The Ethiopian federal court handed down this time, 20th of May 2010, death penalty and harsh long time imprisonment on 7 Oromo civilians. These are:
1. Mrs. Dirribe Ettaana, sentenced to death
2. Mr. Deggu Ettaana, sentenced to death
3. Mrs. Urge Abebe, sentenced to death
4. Mr. Daniel Jaleta, sentenced to death
5. Mr. Girma Raggassa, Life imprisonment
6. Mr. Endale Nagari, 10 years imprisonment
7. Mrs. Workinesh Dube, two years imprisonment and 2000 Birr, Ethiopian currency.
Read More »»»


OSA Open Letter to UNHCHR: Unlawful Conviction of Civilian Oromos by Ethiopian Court We believe your experience as a defense attorney for anti-apartheid activists, exposing torture, and helping establish key rights for prisoners on Robben Island, gave you a better insight about such gross human rights violations. The Oromos are going through the kind of regime that resembles apartheid. In fact, one of our renowned Oromo human rights activists, General Tadesse Biru, a brave human being, whom Mr. Nelson Mandela admires was the victim of the Ethiopian government racist policies. Read More » » »


HRLHA Calls for Reversal of Racially and Politically Motivated Sentences
Gadaa.comHRLHA believes that the case of Mr. Mesfin Abebe and his co-defendants is a purely political case intentionally designed and executed in order to harass, intimidate and discourage ordinary citizens from exercising their democratic and political rights. It is void of almost all legal procedures, proceeding and fair legal treatment. As is proven, for example, through the uniform denial of parole for all alleged convicts who were given varying prison terms, this case is instead full of political biases. Read More » » »


UNPO condemns the imprisonment of 15 innocent Oromos in Ethiopia
Gadaa.comThe Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent decision by the Ethiopian Federal Court to imprison 15 innocent Oromos in clear breaches of their human rights.
UNPO General Secretary, Marino Busdachin called the sentences, "blatant examples of human rights breaches on the Oromo population in Ethiopia." Read More » » »


Advocacy for Oromia: The Verdict is a Deliberate Attempt to Silence the Oromo People
Advocacy for Oromia calls on all human rights organizations, governments and individuals to speak out against the inhumane treatment that is being imposed on the Oromo political prisoners by the Meles Zenawi regime. We urge all Ethiopians and human rights advocates to contact their local representatives and brief them on the deteriorating condition in the country. Read More » » »


OHRJC: UNHCR Fails to Carry out Its Responsibility to Protect Oromo Political Refugees
Gadaa.comMr. Mesfin Abebe and Mr. Tasfahun Chamada were once legal refugees in Kenya and carried UNHCR ID and lived in Nairobi for a number of years. About two years ago, they were abducted by joint Kenyan and Ethiopian security forces from their residences and detained. Read More » » »


Oromia Support Group-Australia Strongly Condemns Unjust Decision Passed on Innocent Oromos
APPEAL FOR URGENT ACTION: The Oromia Support Group in Australia appeals to you to help save the lives of the innocents. Read More » » »


OLF Denounces Sham Verdicts on Oromo Political Prisoners, Also SOCEPP Condemns the Illegal Action
Gadaa.comOLF: The TPLF rulers should know that political death sentences, life and long term imprisonment of the Oromos will not deter the Oromo people from struggling for their freedom, justice and human dignity. Read More » » »
B. Demeksa: "They just sentence you to whatever they want"
Gadaa.comBekele has been listed in the U.S. State Department human rights report as a political prisoner. Other defendants in the case are listed as victims of arbitrary detention.
Listen to VOA's Daybreak Africa:


Victims of the Political Persecution
Gadaa.com1. Masfiin Abbabaa Abdiisaa, Death Sentence, Civil Engineer,
Gadaa.com2. Tasfaahuun Camadaa Gurmeessaa, Life Sentence, Civil engineer,
3. Baqqalaa Nagarii, 12 years without parole, Businessman in Addis Ababa,
4. Isheetuu Kitil, 12 years without parole, Businessman and owner of the Hawi Hotel (Finfinne),
Gadaa.com5. Kabbadaa Booranaa, 12 years without parole, Senior Manager of the Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa,
Gadaa.com6. Waabee Hajii, 12 years without parole, Lawyer with the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia,
Gadaa.com7. Baqqalaa Jiraataa, 12 years without parole (in Absentia), General Secretary of OFDM and an employee of Oromia Water Resources,
8. Dajanee Dhaabaa, 12 years without parole, Trader,
9. Dajanee Booranaa, 12 years without parole (in Absentia), Brother of Mr. Kebede Borena,
Gadaa.com10. Abarraash Yaadataa, 12 years without parole,

11. Roobaa Gaddafaa, 10 years without parole, Statistician and an employee of Hibret Insurance
12. Baayisaa Huseen, 10 years without parole, High School student, Ambo,
Gadaa.com13. Lalisee Wadaajoo, 10 years without parole, Journalist and wife of exiled television journalist, Dhabasa Wakjira, himself a former detainee,
14. Olaanii Jabeesaa, 10 years without parole,
15. Haayiluu Dalasaa, 10 years without parole, 3rd year Law student at Haromaya University.




More REPORTS ...

 These are a list of past or on-going special reports and coverage by ...

Gadaa.comResource on Oromo Refugees - News and reports on refugees fleeing Zenawi's terrorism in Oromia
Gadaa.comCelebrate Oromian Athletes - Celebrating Oromian elite long-distance athletes of the world
Gadaa.comProtesting Zenawi's Appearance at Columbia University - Complete Coverage
Gadaa.comIrreechaa Worldwide Celebrations - Coverage of worldwide Irreechaa ceremonies Interviews - Collection of Exclusive Interviews with Oromo-Related Newsmakers
Gadaa.comEebbisaa Addunyaa - Remembering the 14th Anniversary of His Execution
Gadaa.comIlaa fi Ilaamee - Oromo Reconciliation, Unity and Mobilization
Gadaa.comPolitical Persecution Against Oromo - Coverage of TPLF's Kangaroo Court Decision on Oromos
Gadaa.comResource on Nonviolent Struggle - Articles and other materials | The North African Revolutions
Gadaa.comOromo: Roles of Religions for Oromumma & Unity - Coverage of the Mid-Year OSA Conference
Gadaa.comEthiopia: General Election 2010 - Coverage of the May 2010 Elections | Post-Election 2010
Gadaa.comWhat's Next for the Oromo People" - Coverage of the 2010 OACC Conference
Gadaa.comOromia: Environmental in Peril - Cases of Environmental Destructions in Oromia
Gadaa.comOromo: The Nation Behind Bars - The 2009 IOYA March for Human Rights

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